Do you need cardio for body recomposition?

No, cardio is not strictly necessary for body recomposition. The primary factors that determine changes in body composition are energy balance, resistance training, and optimizing nutrition based on an individual’s body fat percentage and goals.

Energy balance, which is the difference between energy intake and energy expenditure, is the key determinant of weight change. While cardio can contribute to increasing energy expenditure, it is not a requirement for creating the calorie deficit needed for fat loss or the calorie surplus needed for muscle gain.

Resistance training, on the other hand, is crucial for stimulating muscle growth and preserving lean body mass during periods of calorie restriction. Engaging in a well-designed resistance training program that progressively challenges the muscles is essential for successful body recomposition.

So, while cardio can be a useful tool for increasing energy expenditure and facilitating fat loss, it is not a mandatory component of a successful body recomposition plan. The most important factors are maintaining an appropriate energy balance, engaging in resistance training, and optimizing nutrition based on individual goals and body composition.

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